Top Reasons to Switch from Java to Kotlin Right Now!

Top Reasons to Switch from Java to Kotlin Right Now!

Introduction of Kotlin

Kotlin is a very demanding language for android developers developed by JetBrains in 2011. It is an open-source programming language that can run on Java Virtual Machine(JVM). Kotlin is a modern statically typed programming language used by over 70% of Android developers that helps boost productivity, developer satisfaction, and code safety. It is also platform independent, same as JAVA. Kotlin combines functional programming and object-oriented programming.

Introduction of JAVA

JAVA was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems Inc in 1991. It is owned by Oracle in 1995, and more than 3.2 billion devices use Java. It is a robust, secure, object-oriented programming language. Java applications are compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java Virtual Machine(JVM) so that's why java is platform independent language. This is also very popular for Android Developer.Java 17 is latest version of JAVA.

Kotlin vs Java

There are many differences between Java and Kotlin. Some differences are explained below:


  • It allows users to create an extension function.
  • It does not have a static member for a class.
  • It does support both functional programming and object-oriented programming which consist of many functions like, Lambda, Lazy-Loading,
  • higher order functions.
  • Null Safety is available in Kotlin using the safety call operator.
  • We have checked exceptions which makes developers catch the exception present in code so which leads to robust code with good error handling.
  • Wildcard types are not available in Kotlin.
  • Kotlin provides a functionality to the users to invoke functions.
  • It has a primary constructor and a secondary constructor.
  • There are two types of string literals in Kotlin
  • In kotlin, we don't have to determine the sort of every factor expressly dependent on the task it will deal with. Assuming we need to determine explicitly we can do.
  • Kotlin programs don’t require semicolons in their program.
  • Smart cast feature is available in Kotlin.
  • Easy to deploy kotlin code
  • The average salary for “kotlin” ranges from approximately ₹900,000 per year in India.


  • It does not support any extension functions.
  • It does support static members.
  • It does not support functional programming.
  • Null safety is not available in Java.
  • Java does not have checked exceptions. So developers have no need to declare a catch block for catching exceptions.
  • Wildcard types are available in Java. These are a special kind of type argument that controls the type safety of the use of generic (parameterized) types.
  • Operators are tied to particular Java Types
  • Constructors can be used to take parameters to initialize attributes.
  • It is available in Java too but it doesn’t support expression like Kotlin
  • In Java We need to specify a type of each variable explicitly while declaring.
  • Java programs do need a semicolon.
  • It does not support smart cast features.
  • Hard to deploy Java code.
  • The average salary for a java developer is ₹458,970 per year in India.